The iPhone only came to Canada in the summer of 2008. It didn’t take me long to purchase one, with a data plan and everything. At the time of purchase I called a friend and told him that the store had one more left. He came right over and purchased one too. It wasn’t long before another two friends had iPhones. This device is one of the niftiest little gadgets in the history of... well... nifty little gadgets.
I started learning iPhone development in my spare time. It’s a long process considering all my commitments and my wife and kids all pulling at my time. But it’s worth it. You can read about my iPhone development efforts at
If you’re looking to hire an iPhone developer, contact me: henning [at] chewyapps [dot] com.
Chewy Xbox
As of 05jan09, my first iPhone app is awaiting approval by Apple. It’s called Chewy Xbox and is an easy to use and information Xbox Live information application.
You can see which of your gamer friends are online, away, or offline in an instant by the colours. Also, they are sorted by status, so your online friends are always at the top.
One of the cool things I like about this app is that you can contact your friends so easily, using phone, email, SMS, or Xbox email.
Here are some screenshots.
Medical App for iPhone
As well, I worked on a two month contract for BitHeads on a doctor-patient billing application for the iPhone, which as of 05jan09 has not yet been submitted to the AppStore by our client.